Breadpig Gets a Gift from LEGO, a Breadpig!

Posted by Alexis Ohanian on

We're thrilled the success of Hack Club. Our first event in New York was a smash hit.  The idea has been spreading.  But then last week, things got even more awesome. Look at what our friends at LEGO sent us!


Here's the back-story:

Not long after moving to New York, breadpig decided to try an experiment -- we'd start a Hack Club where geeks could geek out for the sake of, well, geekery. We even encrypted the location of the event to make sure only geeks could get in. An awesome partner approached us with an offer to sponsor the event with a massive donation: LEGO!

They donated over fifteen thousand dollars worth of LEGO Mindstorm kits that attendees used to build sumo battlebots and were donated after the event to Halls of Learning, an organization in Jamaica to teach kids about engineering & design.

The hackathon itself was a massive success.

Afterward, Christina published a tutorial for how to roll your own Hack Club. That's just how we roll.

Google was the first group of geeks to step forward and run their own Hack Club, this time in Austin at SXSW!

And now there's a giant LEGO breadpig in my living room! Huzzah!


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