After the Internet Superstar appearance, the breadpig band had a nice renaissance. To that point, breadpig salutes all of the new converts and thanks you for all the shirt orders.
Spintown showed some love, but I should correct a comment he made:
This video was made by one of the creators of I think it's the only band I'm talented enough to play with.You think it just anybody has the talent to play in breadpig? You've got another thing coming. Between the three of us in the band, we've got a combined 39 years of musical education at top tier conservatories acoss the globe.
Not to be outdone, LOLmagnetz got some love. Minor face-lift coming this week!
In classic Twitter-fashion, lucindamichele instructs:
OMG must have LOLMAGNETSIt's best not to fight it, lucindamichele. Embrace its magnetic goodness like a sack of iron filings.
And Gigababy returned the Internet high-five from breadpig.