The Wee Kitteh Named Breadpig

Posted by admin on

Behold, breadpig the cat! The first of his kind (as far as we know).

breadpig the kitteh for adoption

We must apologize for some shoddy reporting. The cat the SF/SPCA renamed "Breadpig" is in fact male. Nonetheless, he shouldn't have any trouble finding a home.

He is either the life of the party or the laziest one in the room. He's been called a player, but only because of his keen ability to love you and be loved by many, not to mention he can slay a toy mouse like its nobody's business!

I couldn't think of a better namesake. What are you waiting for? Adopt him!

You won't even need to take the time to come up with a new name.

Thanks, SF/SPCA, breadpig is honored.

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