Compelling Review Of LOLmagnetz (Or, How To Instantly Become The Office God)

Posted by admin on

LOLatWorkBrian Ho is a man who knows how to have a good time. Furthermore, he's a man who knows how to help his office have a good time. All while adhering to even the strictest corporate guidelines prohibiting at-work alcohol consumption.

The secret is LOLmagnetz. And with one kit, Brian turned his cubicle into the greatest wall in the office -- a greater wall than even that one in China.

And today, my prediction started to come true as myself and some co-workers started creating (several inappropriate) phrases periodically throughout the day. We took it a level up when we started creating some phrases around some of the other things stuck to the cabinet including some of the group pictures from previous birthday parties.

Brilliant. The breadpig salutes you, Brian. Especially for this.


No one said LOLart had to be high art (though it's often created while high). See the rest of Brian's pictures on his LiveJournal.


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