Our band's lead guitarist, Brian, was recently wearing his breadpig tee on a plane ride and the woman beside him asked about the curious logo. He told her about the work we do here at breadpig:
Then she said the name made perfect sense. This really piqued my curiosity, since I know the true story of how it was picked entirely out of hilarity over the domain. She said 'bread' constitutes a universal symbol for giving and charity. A token of the simple things you can donate to the poor. The suffix of 'pig' stands for how the money is saved and stockpiled, like a piggybank, until the right time to spend it.
Like Brian said, we didn't give the name much thought when we registered breadpig.com, but it's fun hearing people's interpretations. Whatever the breadpig means to you, we're just happy you support it.
What does "breadpig" mean to you? Feel free to leave us a note in the comments.
Om nom nom. Everyone tries to eat our hero :-/
sent from android phone. please forgive typos caused by my ogre thumbs.
Well, a piggy in a blanket makes a great sandwich. I figured you guys had just found your ideal form of food aid.