We're proud to announce our newest not-for-profit allies: Arohon. Started by the Khandaker sisters, Mitu and Maherunesa, this not-for-profit aims to do some great things and in some rather creative ways.
Their first project is to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro (highest freestanding mountain in the world) in order to fundraise for building a women's education centre in one of Bangladesh's many poverty-stricken areas.
They're raising £5000 for this effort. And we like their attitude for do-goodery, so we're matching every donation you make between now and their climb until we hit their goal. They're excited, we're excited.
What are you waiting for? Donate here.
They're climbing in September, so make the breadpig pay! They'll be keeping us abreast of their climb and the construction of their women's education center here on the breadpig blog.
Join the adventure. Follow them on Twitter. We're proud to be a part of the Arohon experience.