reddit wanted to win Stephen Colbert over with kindness - we had to help!

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There's been a movement online to bring out Stephen Colbert for a Restoring Truthiness Rally in DC. The reddit community decided that a good way to drive the point home would be to launch the largest Donors Choose fundraiser ever - something breadpig needed to be a part of.

Here's the original blog post from team reddit:

Stephen Colbert is a board member of a non-profit called It's a place where schoolteachers can make a request for the supplies they need and aren't getting. As the name suggests, donors get to choose which specific teacher they want to support (lazy donors can just let the charity decide). If "Restore Truthiness" can raise a large sum of money, it will be a fantastic show of strength. And even if it fails as a publicity stunt, it'll still make a difference in our world.

Speaking of stunts, we at reddit would like to do our part to help propel this cause: Hillary Clinton's been helping DonorsChoose raise money since 2008. So far, she's been able to raise $29,945. That's good, but we think the reddit and communities can blow that number away in less than a week. So as an added incentive: if we do just that, reddit has convinced a certain anonymous investor to throw in another $1000 on top of that.

Well, breadpig legion, we're proud to announce that your porcine hero was the anonymous investor! We ended up donating $1,766.63 because we were so overwhelmed with pride -- reddit beat Hillary Clinton's record in less than 24 hours. Bravo, reddit!


  • […] to Reddit’s Restoring Truthiness campaign on to congratulate them for breaking Hilary Clinton’s record for donations within just a few hours. We were proud then, but just a week later the campaign is […]

    DonorsChoose Lovefest on Reddit | Breadpig: Purveyor & Publisher of All Things Geek on

  • Agreed. And reddit has only begun!

    breadpig on

  • The jig is up! Really, though, reddit rocks. It blows my mind.

    Alexis Ohanian on

  • The jig is up! Really, though, reddit rocks. It blows my mind.

    Alexis Ohanian on

  • I had a sneaking suspicion that you were the masked investor. Awesome, this whole movement has put a smile on my face.

    D. Neill on

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