C is for Cookie...and Culinary Training!

Posted by Christina Xu on

Last month, Reddit attempted to break a world record for the World's Largest Global Secret Santa; an effort to facilitate anonymous (but good-hearted!) gift exchanges between total strangers over the internet. Pioneered by the redditors over at /r/secretsanta, the massive gift exchange saw over 35,000 participants from 115 countries giving out (to name a few!) hand-knitted scarves, comic books, sonic screwdrivers, mix CDs, video games... and cookies!

Breadpig teamed up with The Bread Project to offer official reddit gingerbread cookies, lovingly adorned with the face of reddit's mascot, Snoo. Each package of these hearty, spicy cookies was lovingly baked, perfectly piped, and beautifully packaged by students from The Bread Project, a great non-profit that provides self-sufficiency to individuals with low-income by providing them with culinary training and job referrals.

Chef Mark shows off an early prototype

The unofficial motto of /r/secretsanta is 'It's all about the giving!', and being secret santa veterans ourselves, team Breadpig took that to heart, giving a whopping 100% of proceeds back to The Bread Project. So, santas who gifted these sweet packages of gingery goodness were warming their match's stomachs AND hearts with cayenne and warm-fuzzies, respectively! In all, Breadpig sold $650 worth of cookies on behalf of the Bread Project!

The cookies were extremely well-received (and devoured!) by redditors all over the United States. As far as we can tell from redditor bboe's reaction to the Snoo Cookies, these spicy delights are best paired with (not-surprisingly!) a cool glass of milk -- or whiskey! Remember, if you liked the cookies, consider using the Bread Project's catering services, or contact them to get your own custom logo cookies.

Big thanks to Jena at Reddit for helping us out with licensing the Snoo image, and to Alicia and everyone else at the Bread Project for being so enthusiastic and fun to work with. If you have a nonprofit that could benefit by connecting with Reddit or other geek communities, contact us and we'll help you brainstorm!

Update: we made an anigif of bboe's photos. Sorry, couldn't resist.


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