Our 13 favorite questions & answers from Zach Anner's reddit IAmA

Posted by Alexis Ohanian on

Read the entire IAmA here!

The_krumb asked:
Do you still call Austin your home or have you moved since becoming a TV star? 

Zach: I still call Austin home, but I'm currently in Buffalo and thinking of moving to L.A. at the end of the summer to become a waitress.  


GuamZombie asked:
Will you be collaborating with Rooster Teeth again?

Zach: Yes, I love those guys. I will do absolutely anything they ask me to do if I'm able. Was so sad to miss RTX this year.


MrSomethingHeroic asked:
Zach, I was a care giver, while you were running for the Oprah spot, and one of my clients has cerebral palsy. I just wanted to let you know that your videos, such as the one where you hike the mountain, or where you were out on the track, or the one where you visited the capitol building brought so much joy and hope to her.

You inspired her to be better than she thought she could be. You helped her to realize that she was in control of their own destiny, not her disabilities. I don't work with her anymore but we remain friends to this day, so on behalf of her and all others like her I just want to say thank you. You are an inspiration to those who cannot find it.

Keep doing what you do, you are a wonderful human being.  

P.S. She said you were "cute". Don't tell anyone I told you that. She would kill me.

Zach: That's an incredible story. Thank you so much. Tell your friend how much things like that means to me. As far as cuteness goes... thank you, but it's all CGI. I was made by the same people who did Hulk in The Avengers.


gootermcshavin asked:
"I'm a cripple, not a merman!" Zach, you're awesome. Would you ever come up to Alaska?

Zach: If Sarah Palin personally invited me...then no. Otherwise I'd be open to it, but it's a hell of a drive, especially since this chair only goes six miles an hour. 


PretendPhD asked:
You are great. I remember seeing your oprah audition video and laughing my ass off.. and then laughing my ass off again every time I thought about the sexiest palsy afterwards for like 3 weeks.

My question: What was your childhood like? Were you always so happy and accepting as it seems like you are, or was there some point where you were just like.. "fuck it," and decided to embrace the shit out of the sexiest of the palsies?

Zach: No, I wasn't always happy, but I think I was always optimistic. I really don't think I'm that great a person by nature, but having CP has allowed me to find gratitude in things I otherwise would've ignored. If I wasn't in a wheelchair, I think I'd take a lot of cool stuff for granted.


Geno098 asked:
So in your opinion, which is the SECOND sexiest of all the palsy's? 

Zach: Bells, there's something spontaneous about it. I knew a girl that had it once the day we were supposed to film a sexy scene with her. It looked like her face was melting so we decided to reschedule. 


lordmalifico asked:
Congratulations on your success, Zach! You deserve it and more! What kind of places do you want to go in That's Riding Shotgun? 

Zach: I want to go to places that are important to you guys and see the things that you think are cool. I don't have any specific cities in mind. I do know that a lot of Canadians have wanted me to go there. I have a toque and everything. I love maple syrup and think Avril Lavigne is OK. Justin Bieber, I'll forgive you.


thepensivepoet asked:
When can we get you, Anthony Bourdain, and Zane Lamprey in the same video?

Zach: Just come to one of our hot-tub poker games on Tuesdays and film it. 


cpqq asked:
Hey Zach - There's this place in Alaska that you should go riding shotgun, with a famous rapper - Pitbull!

Zach: Did the internet win that one? Because I think that's a pretty good punishment for taking away the MIB theme song from Will Smith. 


heyitslolo asked:
How did you get so hilarious?

Zach: I was dropped a lot as a child and my family was always really funny. 


mgroves asked:
I thought the OWN show was waaaay too formulaic and repetitive. Did the episodes that aired represent your vision for the show, or do you feel like the producers/editors made it more 'cookie cutter' than you wanted?

Zach: The short answer is no. The long answer is that everyone involved was doing their best to make the best show for the network. It was a very interesting process, but it was definitely always a balance of trying to keep humor and my genuine self in there. But I love the OWN folks for giving me a shot. The new show will be different.


saintgio3 asked:
Hi Zach! Is The Wingmen going to have new episodes in the future? Is the show on hiatus or canceled? It's fucking hilarious.

Zach: As stated in my bio, we decided to release the remainder of Wingmen episodes as novels, under the title "A Song of Ice and Fire." They decided, instead of having CP on the show, I should be a dwarf since electric wheelchairs didn't exist at that time. Check out future episodes here: www.hbo.com


JustForCancer asked:
Hey Zach!

I'm in Malawi, Africa and think this country is awesome and not well known. Would you ever consider traveling here?
EDIT: Also in about a month or two we should be starting to build an orphanage. It would be a cool experience to have you document it :) They have Lake Malawi and a bunch of touristy stuff, or we could take you to nitty gritty that foreigners don't get to see :)

Zach: I would LOVE to come to Africa, as long as it doesn't matter that I'm afraid of all living things in nature. i seriously would love it for the experience, but as far as I know, I can't drive there right now. Somebody get working on that intercontinental highway.


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