Breadpig Blog: Purveyor & Publisher of All Things Geek — music reviews

If MamaPop & BrightestYoungThings Write About Us, Are We A Real Band?

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We're still waiting for the Pitchfork review of our album, When Will Then Be Now?, but these write-ups will tide us over. First from MomaPop: Three dudes in Washington DC (holla, homies!) recently decided to take their virtual jamming to the streets of our nation's capital, documenting it all on video to hilarious effect Holla back, MamaPop. And here's some love from BrightestYoungThings: and finally in lieu of our live pick this week (which was going to be black lips, but you can just google that) here is some DC flavor: Breadpig.The Band takes Chinatown. And lives. We are indeed...

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