Breadpig Blog: Purveyor & Publisher of All Things Geek — xkcd: volume 0
Step by step guide on how to publish a book
Posted by Alexis Ohanian on
Hopefully you've read part one about how breadpig made $53,000 in 3 months and thus come to the conclusion that you're interested in learning how a professional-grade book gets made. Also consider reading/sharing our tutorial on how we made LOLmagnetz (a tidy profit, too). And if you're planning on using this information to build a competing geeky book publisher (or magnet maker) to rival breadpig, more power to you! 1. Produce book content This is obviously a lot easier when, say, you're just assembling previously released comics, but a lot of thought goes into the flow of...
Reasons to self-publish, or start your own niche publishing company (or not)
Posted by Alexis Ohanian on
Like any good uncorporation, breadpig aims to do things a bit differently. Last year, we published a tutorial for how LOLMagnetz generated $30,000 in profits (for charity, but profits nonetheless). We donated $15,000 to the SF/SPCA that December of '08 and the rest went back into Breadpig, Inc. to purchase more inventory and fund our next project, the xkcd book, xkcd: volume 0. Thanks to many of you who are reading this, the xkcd book has been (and continues to be) a great success! From the 3-stop book tour alone, we raised enough to build "the xkcd school" in Laos;...
The reviews are in, xkcd: volume 0 is a winner
Posted by admin on
Meet Randall and grab a signed copy of xkcd: volume 0 in Cambridge, MA on 17 Dec
Posted by admin on
XKCD VOLUME 0: THE SIGNING Thursday, December 17th, 2009 At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Room 26-100, 6:00 - 8:00 PM We had an extremely successful book tour shortly after the release of xkcd: volume 0 that raised enough money to build breadpig's xkcd school in Laos. And we're grateful to all of you who showed up to support xkcd and this project. But we didn't make it to Boston/Cambridge, which is particularly ironic because xkcd lives there. Well, now's your chance to meet Randall Munroe and pick up a special last minute autographed gift for someone special (or yourself,...