Breadpig offers a variety of services to creators looking to self-publish and/or crowdfund their next project. We make carefully considered recommendations of which services are needed to each of our clients, and they can add and subtract as they see fit.
Crowdfunding and Business Strategy
This is our bread and butter. Through a series of long conversations with you, we'll help shape the best possible crowdfunding campaign for your project by doing things like:
- Build reward tiers and stretch goals that excite your fanbase without destroying your life
- Review, or even write, campaign copy and updates
- Help generate publicity and press around your campaign
- Advise you on how to keep the project going after the campaign
Costing and Production
Making and moving things in the real world is hard. We can use our extensive experience in publishing to help you navigate production issues like:
- Setting accurate values for your products
- Turning the shiny ideas in your head into specs & treatments that vendors can use
- Cost, source, and/or manage vendors for your products
Contractor Concierge
- PR and Sales: someone to help you do publicity wrangling, trade mailings, and press releases
- Production freelancers: we can find (and herd!) editors, designers, illustrators, etc. to help round out your skills
- Customer service: your backers will have questions and requests. LOTS of them. We can set you up with a customer service specialist so you don't waste hours answering them.
- Fulfillment: we can walk you through getting your inventory set up with our primary fulfillment partner, Amplifier, or the set-up of local fulfillment.
- Post-Campaign Sales and Distribution: We can help you figure out a strategy for selling the stuff left over after your campaign,
I'm halfway through my crowdfunding campaign and need a boost. Can Breadpig help?
Generally we prefer very strongly to work with creators who have not yet launched a campaign because there's usually not much we can do once it's been launched. If you're already successful and just want to talk fulfillment and distribution, we might be able to help you out.
Will Breadpig help with just press and PR?
We offer press & PR services as part of larger packages, but honestly this isn't our specialty. You're better off hiring someone who does this full-time!
I'm not a cartoonist or author--do your services still make sense?
Breadpig is interested in taking on all sorts of clients, but keep in mind that our expertise is in comics, books, games, and animation so we may not be able to help you with the intricacies of hardware manufacturing, or helping you figure out distribution for your freshly-caught fish. That said, we still have plenty of generalizable advice when it comes to crowdfunding and are always interested in learning something new!
I've read everything and it sounds like my project would be a great fit for Breadpig. How do I get in touch?
Before contacting us please understand - We are incredibly selective about the projects we work on. Before the public launch of a project we prefer to have at LEAST 4-6 weeks to review your resources and idea. The longer we have on a project the more we can fine tune it! We're often operating on multiple projects at various stages, so this means reviewing and responding to new pitches can take a while. That all said if you have something you think may be interesting you can Email us a brief about your project.