Posted by admin on

We got a lovely writeup on DCist, who was even able to discern what our lead singer was crooning (Isely Brothers, eh?).

By now, everyone out there has at least heard of Guitar Hero and its more inclusive cousin, Rock Band, right? You play songs on "instruments" along with a video game, advancing and scoring points for accuracy. After too many hours of playing, sometimes you even fancy yourself to have developed actual musical talent. One group of local guys took their "rock band," breadpig, out of the living room and into Chinatown. They set up their instruments (which, when not connected to a gaming system, don't actually emit any sound) and "played" for a building crowd. They even recruited a lead singer from the bystanders, who specialized in Isely Brothers lyrics. They were kind enough to record their venture, so you can see the goofy and geeky street performance for yourself in the video above.

Wonkette joined in with some coverage in their Metro section. Next stop, New York...


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