Breadpig Blog: Purveyor & Publisher of All Things Geek — DC
Broke 40K YouTube Views And Earned A Spot On G4's The Feed
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But when do we need to tune in to watch our video on the moving-picture-box? Nonetheless, it was still nice to see our unique sound be appreciated by G4's Stephen Johnson. It's apparently a "Nugget from the Net" which we took to mean something good (?) BreadPig, extra-special Rock Band band goes on tour. Life on the road is tough, man. Indeed it is, Stephen, we gained and lost a front man all in one show. That's the kind of thing that would destroy any other band, but not breadpig.
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We got a lovely writeup on DCist, who was even able to discern what our lead singer was crooning (Isely Brothers, eh?). By now, everyone out there has at least heard of Guitar Hero and its more inclusive cousin, Rock Band, right? You play songs on "instruments" along with a video game, advancing and scoring points for accuracy. After too many hours of playing, sometimes you even fancy yourself to have developed actual musical talent. One group of local guys took their "rock band," breadpig, out of the living room and into Chinatown. They set up their instruments (which, when...