Breadpig Blog: Purveyor & Publisher of All Things Geek — adopt a pet

Breadpig Hands SF/SPCA $15,000 Check From LOLmagnetz, Plays With Puppy

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Breadpig was invited to the opening of the SF SPCA's magnificent new facility, the Leanne B. Roberts Animal Care Center. Due to a sudden world-saving mission, Alexis & Liz visited the opening in breadpig's stead. As thrilling as it was to see breadpig on the wall, that excitement was easily matched by the sight of the "Barker Family Fund" nearby. We suspect they give exclusively to dog-related causes. For the record, breadpig has no biases toward either the grain or swine non-profit sectors. How did our breaded swine end up with such an honor? Well, that's thanks to you, breadpig...

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