Breadpig Hands SF/SPCA $15,000 Check From LOLmagnetz, Plays With Puppy

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donor wallBreadpig was invited to the opening of the SF SPCA's magnificent new facility, the Leanne B. Roberts Animal Care Center. Due to a sudden world-saving mission, Alexis & Liz visited the opening in breadpig's stead.

As thrilling as it was to see breadpig on the wall, that excitement was easily matched by the sight of the "Barker Family Fund" nearby. We suspect they give exclusively to dog-related causes. For the record, breadpig has no biases toward either the grain or swine non-profit sectors.


How did our breaded swine end up with such an honor? Well, that's thanks to you, breadpig legion.

At the end of 2008, breadpig donated $15,000 to the SF SPCA from the profits of LOLmagnetz.

We'll post a full recap of 2008's donations in the days to come, but LOLmagnetz was without a doubt breadpig's biggest success.

The ceremony was informal, but full of mirth.
breadpig makes spca donation

breadpig-branded kibble kitchenThis money went to help a number of orphaned dogs and cats; to show their appreciation, the SPCA kindly renamed a room for breadpig. Always a fan of food (and rather edible itself - though no one would ever try) breadpig chose the kibble kitchen. And even got a stunning full color sign!

Inside is a wide assortment of (you guessed it) kibble. Reminiscent of those cereal towers from your university cafeteria, these animals are getting fed with state-of-the-art-kibble-dispensing technology.

Breadpig wouldn't want it any other way.
kibble towers

Oh, and here's the obligatory puppy photo. This little girl needed some serious surgery when she arrived -- something involving a colon not being where it ought to -- that the SF SPCA gladly provided and she's now on her way to recovery and, with some luck, a happy home.

puppy excite!

I'm not trying to eat her.


  • […] Jump ahead to today and the sale of LOLmagnetz (direct, wholesale, and via our friends at ThinkGeek) has generated over $45,000 in profits donated to the San Francisco SPCA. They’ve already named a shelter kibble kitchen after breadpig. […]

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  • […] have benefited from what was a pretty successful year. Drawing from a year with $30,000 in profits, breadpig donated $15,000 to the SF/SPCA with profits derived from the sale of some magnetic LOL speak poetry called LOLmagnetz. With the […]

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  • […] was a great first year for breadpig, with LOLmagnetz generating a solid $15,000 for the SF SPCA and shirts selling well throughout the year. ROFLDNA got the year off to a good start, but […]

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  • […] not secret that breadpig has a soft spot for the SF SPCA, but it’s apparently mutual. After naming an orphaned kitten […]

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