Breadpig Blog: Purveyor & Publisher of All Things Geek — EFF

xkcd Book Tour Announced

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Can't make it on the tour? Grab the book here, get a bunch of friends together, and roleplay. Dates of the xkcd book tour: Sept 19th @ 18:30 - New York (R2R event) [waitlist online] Sept 21st @ 18:00 (VIP), 19:00 for all - San Francisco (EFF event) [get tickets] Sept 22nd @ 19:00 - Silicon Valley (R2R) [get tickets] We're looking at a mid-September release date for xkcd: volume 0. Now that it's in the hands of the printers, we thought it was time to announce the xkcd book tour, a series of stops where you'll not only get...

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Attention All Cylons: Breadpig Has A New Ally Against You - The Electronic Frontier Foundation

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As is the case with all breadpig projects, all the profits go to a worthy charity. Ideally, the breadpig can find a non-profit with objectives related to the project (e.g., LOLmagnetz profits going to the SF SPCA). About a month ago, we launched a new shirt: Spoiler Alert. If you don't watch Battlestar Galactica, its coolness will be lost on you, but if you like preserving your online freedom, stick around for another sentence. Then go buy the DVD box sets and catch up. The breadpig is partnering with the EFF and thus giving them all the profits of this...

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