Breadpig Blog: Purveyor & Publisher of All Things Geek — LOLcats

LOLcats at SF SPCA Thanks to LOLmagnetz

Posted by Alexis Ohanian on

Now we're getting a new room named after Breadpig in the SF SPCA -- this one is full of kittehs!

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Tweetz About LOLmagnetz

Posted by admin on

The breadpig only recently discovered twitter and found that the breadpig legion had already made its presence known. Guenlian, a satisfied breadpigger and owner of LOLmagnetz used this hip messaging system to express approval about our LOL instruction manual: is amazed that LOLmagnetz come with instructions! "Precautions For Use: Your home is full of magnetic surfaces compatible with LOLmagnetz" But that wasn't all! Shortly thereafter came another tweet: "we recommend that LOLmagnetz not be used" on computers. Complete with drawing of fried CPU with the "Can", "Has"&"Fail" magnetz applied. Thank you, Guenlian, for proving that some people still do read...

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I Can Has Cheezburger Art Show In SF - With LOLmagnetz, Thanks To Brawndo

Posted by admin on

The exhibit opens on Thursday here in SF. The breadpig is still working on the address, but our ally Pete, maker of Brawndo and soon to be Sex Panther cologne, went blacksmithing. The result is a badass hunk of steel lulz. We're hoping to bring this series of cat photos, emblazoned on the steel, to the art exhibition for the audience - in true LOLspirit - to modify and LOLify as they desire with our LOLmagnetz. Check out the attention to detail. Serious cat is very serious about the art. Pete, you Sir, rock. The breadpig and its followers owe...

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LOLCats Panel Video From ROFLCon Now Online

Posted by admin on

This was my first job moderating a panel and I must say, it was probably the best speaking-related thing I've done. Pay attention. You might learn something. A big thanks to Respectably French for filming this and putting it online.

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