Breadpig Blog: Purveyor & Publisher of All Things Geek

Dreaming Of Androids Shirt Also Considered "Cool Thing Under $29.99"

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They kindly heaped on the praise -- enough to make even the stalwart breadpig blush: Have you ever wondered what sheep dream about? Jumping fences? I doubt it. But now, the question is finally answered by the Dreaming of Androids t-shirt. Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? Well, as long as we’re talking about electric sheep, at least (look at that little power cord, aww). Best suited for Philip K. Dick fans, of course, but the design is so good it would be a shame to not recommend it to everyone, really. Why thank you,, if only we'd had more...

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Dreaming Of Androids Shirt Featured On Tcritic

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Karl Long of Tcritic recognized the death of Philip K. Dick yesterday and in so doing, gave a very kind shoutout to breadpig's most popular shirt, Dreaming of Androids. The breadpig considers Karl a proud comrade for your service; here he is,">in his own words: The Dreaming Of Androids T-Shirt is a charming reference to one of Philip K. Dick’s renowned novel[s], “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” which was the basis for the classic movie Blade Runner. We're overdue for a restocking...

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Edible Breadpig Discovered In Germany!

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That's not to say the real breadpig isn't edible -- just that no one would ever consider eating it. This roll, however... Thank you for spotting this, cheary, and for appropriately tagging it ("breadpig"). Now we must travel to Deutschland, fetch some of our own, and feast!

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Breadpig Proud To Be Chosen For StartupSchwag

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Stickers! Thanks to over on flickr for capturing this handsome photo of the sticker collection in StartupSchwag's 16th schwag-bag. If you're a fan of startups, or schwag, but especially if you like startup schwag, you should strongly consider signing on. And if you're bummed about not getting a sticker, the breadpig has instructed me to mail one to you; email me your address.

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Harvard, #1 University In The World, Inspired By Breadpig Band

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Surprisingly, the breadpig was slow to report on this one. This is not a poor reflection of the breadpig, rather, a demonstration that we, his mortal army, are indeed fallible. As we strive to be more like the breadpig, enjoy this tweet from fellow breadpigger, Chrysaora, who witnessed the students of Harvard University "pulling a breadpig" in Harvard Yard. Proof that our art can inspire even the brightest and among the highest tuition-paying students in the world. The breadpig band has arrived. And thanks to breadpig ally, Jeff Atwood, combined with an upcoming reunion show in Las Vegas, we're expecting...

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