Breadpig Blog: Purveyor & Publisher of All Things Geek

New LOLmagnetz Model-Cat

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Our first model-cat, Roslyn, was an exceptional feline (with an exceptional owner). So for version II of LOLmagnetz, the bar was set quite high. Fortunately, Matilda didn't let us down. Hopefully all this publicity won't go to her head, but we've heard she has always been quite the diva. Let us know what you think of the new model-cat. We'll work out a more formal process to discover the next edition's covermodel. We've got more felines to make famous.

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The Votes Are In - A ROFLDNA Design Selected

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Democracy isn't always pretty, but it's the best thing we've got right now. The breadpig solicited your thoughts on the two designs for ROFLDNA and we came out with a pretty clear winner. The artists @ DNA11 are now at work producing this genetic ROFLmasterpiece. More details to come.

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New ROFLDNA Milestone Reached - A Decision Must Be Made

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We've just received word from the wonderful folks @ DNA11 (makers of DNA art) that ROFLDNA is nearing completion. But we're at an impasse and we need your help. There are currently two designs on the virtual table for how we can arrange our collection of signatures within the DNA artwork. [caption id="attachment_563" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="ROFLDNA art version 1"][/caption] The above version has a wholesome uniformity to it. [caption id="attachment_564" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="ROFLDNA art version 2"][/caption] Whereas this version better reflects the chaos that is the Internet memescape. It's profound, really. Well, we'd like you to weigh in, either in...

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I'm The 5th Cylon Shirt Gets Some Skinjob Lovin' From PopCultureTees

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This has been a great week for breadpig tees. Philip K. Dick inspired our most popular shirt and the anniversary of his death brought it a bunch of attention. And now our I'm the 5th Cylon shirt is featured on PopCultureTees with a review full of gusto: Probably the strangest named shop we’ve featured on the site, these are the same guys who are behind reddit, and are dedicated to offering geeky stuff to folks who like that kind of thing.Pick up this tee just in time for the series end [...] Also, all profits from this design go to...

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Compelling Review Of LOLmagnetz (Or, How To Instantly Become The Office God)

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Brian Ho is a man who knows how to have a good time. Furthermore, he's a man who knows how to help his office have a good time. All while adhering to even the strictest corporate guidelines prohibiting at-work alcohol consumption. The secret is LOLmagnetz. And with one kit, Brian turned his cubicle into the greatest wall in the office -- a greater wall than even that one in China. And today, my prediction started to come true as myself and some co-workers started creating (several inappropriate) phrases periodically throughout the day. We took it a level up when we...

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