Breadpig Blog: Purveyor & Publisher of All Things Geek
Breadpig Wants Children In Cambodia (And Everywhere) To Have Room To Read
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Room To Read is a non-profit started by a former Microsoft exec, John Wood (something you can read about in his well-written book, Leaving Microsoft to Change the World). Their goal is straightforward and powerful: We seek to intervene early in the lives of children in the belief that education empowers people to improve socioeconomic conditions for their families, communities, countries and future generations. Recently, Richard Brownsdon of Japan, started a Facebook Cause to build a school in Cambodia. They're aiming for $10,000 by Christmas and the breadpig wanted to help. It doesn't look like they'll hit that lofty goal...
HoHoTo - A Model Of Geek Efficiency & Charity
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The hungry in Toronto are a little better off thanks to #HoHoTo. What's most remarkable about this event isn't just everything they raised, but how quickly they assembled it all together. Here's the recap, but the quick & dirty facts are impressive nonetheless: All in, we've raised more than $25,000 and people brought about 3,000 lbs of food for our drop off bins at the party. w00t! Michael O'Connor Clarke helped organize this, the biggest charitable holiday party for Toronto's geek community. He asked for a brief "hello" video from Alexis (whose full-time job is still reddit) to rally the...
LOLmagnetz Named "Odd & Bizarre"
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We're proud to report that LOLmagnetz made another holiday must-have list, this one of">Odd and Bizarre Christmas Gifts & Gadgets. The kit is proudly situated between an "Electrolux reverse scan toaster" and "Nose gel dispenser." Stiff competition indeed. This $20 pack of fridge magnets contains 384 LOL-speak words for you to arrange as you please. Y3S, WE CAN ALL HAS BUCKET!!1
Hawty McBloggy, Breadpig Likes The Cut Of Your Jib
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Breadpig hadn't heard of Hawty McBloggy until today, but that all changed with this recent post on the awesomeness of magnets. It made us wonder if he's any good with the sniper rifle. If you are anything like me, your refrigerator is a hub for all things Halo. Maybe you keep track of your virtual gaming events on small scraps of paper that are randomly strewn across the freezer section. Perhaps you print out your more impressive game stats and place them strategically amidst the LOLMagnetz. We're dying to know, does Master Chief ever speak in LOL? It sounds like...
The Tables Have Turned, Magnetic Paper Towel Holder - Never Doubt The Power Of The Breadpig Legion
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Things are looking up for breadpig. After our last update with about the War On Magnetic Paper Towel Holders, you all came through and propelled LOLmagnetz to #1 of Amazon's Refrigerator Magnets and #1,701 in Kitchen & Dining. Sure, there were naysayers and doubters, but there always will be. And breadpig will always prevail, thanks to you. Marching onward!